World Cup

PlaySuper6 World Cup 2022

PlaySuper6 is offering R 10,000 for each round to anyone who can correctly predict the correct score of six pre-selected Football/Soccer matches taken from the World Cup 2022 in Qatar.

The World Cup 2022 PlaySuper6 competition is a Free to Play (FTP) Football/Soccer prediction game that is extremely easy to enter with a chance of winning R10000 each game round.
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Signup today and enter your score for each match by entering the correct score in the boxes.. Then enter your ‘Golden Goal‘ as your tiebreaker answer (this will be used in the event of a tie) before submitting,

Each Player is limited to one entry only but you may edit your predictions anytime up to 30 mins before the first match starts.

Results and Leaderboard

Once all the matches are complete, the results will be uploaded. You can check your position on the leaderboard via the menu in the top left corner.

Standings are calculated as per the updated game rules which use the minute of the first goal scored ‘Golden Goal’ in any of the six games as ranking criteria. [/show_more]